Why have your locks changed when you move home?

  • You don’t know how many sets of keys were cut for a property that you are moving into and if any are still in circulation.
  • New tenants are almost ten times more likely to fall victim to burglary when they have no home security measures compared with households who have simple security measures in place, such as door and window locks and deadlocks on doors.
  • In rental properties outgoing tenants do not always hand back all their keys when they leave, with family members, neighbours and friends still in possession of a spare key.
  • You could be putting your family and belongings at risk.
  • Insurance companies may not pay out if you suffer a loss.
  • It gives you peace of mind knowing that your home and your belongings are safe and secure.

Overall, having the locks changed when you move into a new home is a simple but effective step that can help protect you and your property.